Minutes Thu 29 Nov 1792

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Thu 29 Nov 1792


James Perry claimed shares nos.105,147,152,179,188, will of Thomas Hayes.
John Gubbins-proposals for coping for wall at Dudbridge, to deliver 300 feet at the Bourne, 2 feet 6 inches in middle, 3 inches at edge, water drip at each edge, 1s per foot running measure, delivered on or before Christmas Eve or only 10d per foot payment.
Basin on towpath side at Wallbridge to be filled up and made straight.
Stone for repairing locks to be got ready this winter.
Saw pit at Chippenham Platt to be removed to more convenient place. Nuisance to public roads.
Herbage of piece of land at Stonehouse Wharf to be let.
Mr Hollings and Mr Burgh, on behalf of Company, to attend meeting on promotion of scheme for canal from Gloucester to Berkeley

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud this 29^th day of November
Present: Nathaniel Winchcombe, Jn^o Allawa, John Hollings, Benj^n Grazebrook, Henry Burgh, Joseph Grazebrook, Rich^d Pettat.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Samuel Smith attended on Behalf of M^r James Perry and made out his Claims to Six Shares N^o 72, 105, 147, 152, 179, 188 in the Stroudwater Navigation late the Property of M^r Tho^s Hayes deceased by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Tho^s Hayes bearing Date the 15^th of Aug^t 1788 and duly proved in the Perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 7^th day of May 1792 by the said James Perry as sole Executor, and the said Claim is hereby admitted accordingly.
John Gibbons attended and gave in his Proposals for Coaping for the Wall at Dudbridge to deliver 300^Foot at the Bourne, 2 feet wide 6 Inches in the middle 3 In^s at each Edge, with a Water Course at each Edge, at 11^d per foot running measure, and agrees to deliver the same on or before Christmas Eve, or to be paid only 10^d per foot for the same.
Ordered that the Bason on the Tow Path side at Walbridge be filled up and made strait.
Ordered that some Stone for the repairing of the Locks be got ready this Winter.
Ordered that the Saw Pit at Chippenhams Platt be removed to some more convenient Place owing to its being a Nuisance to the Publick Road.
Ordered that the Herbage of the Piece of Land at Stonehouse Wharf be let at the best advantage.
Reolved that M^r Hollings and M^r Bugh be requested to attend on behalf of this Company at a Meeting of the Promoters of the Scheme for making a Canal from Glocester to Berkley t be held in Glocester on Tuesday the 11^th of Dec^r next.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Thursday the 28^th of Feb^y next at four o Clock in the afternoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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