Minutes Tue 3 Dec 1793

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Tue 3 Dec 1793


Mr Chamber's letter to Mr Allaway proposed that the Thames & Severn Canal Company cede their wharf at Stroud to Stroudwater on terms to be agreed.
Letter, 8 November, from Proprietors of Thames & Severn desiring that wall of wharf at Framilode be raised above highest tides. Proper wharf at Framilode mutual advantage to both companies, but the season is too far advanced to begin it. Business to be brought up at next General Meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 3^rd of Dec^r 1793
Present: Henry Burgh, Benj^n Grazebrook, John Allaway, Jos^h Grazebrook, Rich^d Bigland, Sam^l Wathen, Rich^d Pettat, Will^m Sevill.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Our Clerk reported that he has applied to M^r King and M^r Souls to cleanse their Drains, who have promised to do it the first opportunity.
Our Clerk reported that the Shed at Walbridge is nearly finished.
No Barge having a yet been purchased, Ordered that the Resolution of the last Meeting relative thereto be carried into Effect as fast as possible.
M^r Chambers having given his Opinion in a Letter to M^r Allaway that an Advantage might arise to the Stroudwater and Thames and Severn Companys by the latter ceding their Wharf at Stroud to the former upon proper Terms, to be agreed upon between them, Resolved that M^r Chambers be requested to state the Circumstance at the General Meeting of the Thames & Severn Canal, and to communicate the Terms upon which the Wharf may be given up to the Stroudwater Company at the next General Meeting, and that M^r Allawy be desired to transmit a Copy of the above Resolution to M^r Chambers.
The Committee of Proprietors of the Thames and Severn Canal, having in their Letter dated the 8^th of Nov^r last signified their Desire that the Wall of the Wharf at Framiload should be raised above the Last Tides, Resolved that it appears to us that a proper Wharf at Framiload may be a mutual Advantage to both Companys, but as the season is too far advanced to begin making such a Wharf, We conceive it will be proper to take the sense of the next General Meeting in April and that we will then bring forward the Business according to the above proposals and that our Intention thereof be communicated to the said Committee of Proprietors of the Thames and Severn Canal.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Thursday the 16^th Jan^y next at 12 o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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