Minutes Wed 4 Jun 1794

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Wed 4 Jun 1794


General Meeting.
Improvements at Framilode, a basin on the canal and a dock in the Stroudwater River, to be executed forthwith. One half of expense to be paid by Thames & Severn Canal Company and their being free of wharfage.
Repairs reported as necessary to be referred to Committee and executed with all convenient dispatch.

Verbatim text

At a General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held by special appointment (in pursuance of an Advertizement in the Glocester Journal) at the George Inn in Stroud on Wednesday the 4^th of June 1794
The Rev^d Doctor Disney in the Chair.
Resolved that the Report of M^r Clowes of the State of this Navigation dated the 21^st of May 1794 be entered by the Clarek at the close of the Company's Register.
That so much of the said report as respects the improvements recommended to be made at Framiload, by erection of a Bason on the Canal and a Dock in the Stroudwater River, be forthwith executed on condition that one half of the expence be paid by the Thames & Severn Canal Company, and their being free of Whargage. And that the Committee of this Company can proceed to treat with the said Thame & Severn Canal Committee concerning the same.
Resolved unanimously that so much of the said report as respects the Repairs necessary to be made on this Canal be refer'd to the Committed of this Company to be executed with all convenient dispatch according to their Judgement.

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