Minutes Tue 14 Oct 1794

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Tue 14 Oct 1794


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £1033 8½d. Balance £398 12s 8½d.
Messrs. Hollings and Grazebrook to resign as Treasurers. Mr Joseph Grazebrook appointed Treasurer.
Mr Freebury, treasurer to Coals Committee, to pay Mr Ellis £200 and Mr Grazebrook remaining balance to be placed in a Coals account. Coals Committee, or any two of them, allowed to draw not more than £800 for purchase of coals.
Large quantity of fish poisoned in several levels of canal below Bristol Road. Advertisement to be inserted in Gloucestershire Journal. £20 for evidence to convict offender.
Unfair means used to take fish by persons who have purchased tickets for angling on canal. Tickets granted in future for fishing with rod and line only.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 14^th of October 1794
The Rev^d Doctor Disney in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament, and Examined & Confirm'd.
It appears by the Accounts that the Sum of One Thousand, & thirty three Pounds, & eight pence halfpenny has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 8^th of April last to this day. a part of which has been applied towards the Payment of Debts, Wages, Disburstments, etc, there remains with a former Ballance in the Treasurers hands the Sum of £398..12^s..8½^d.
Mess^rs Hollings & Grazebrook having this day signified their inclination to resign the office of joint Treasurers of this Company, Resolved that the same be accepted accordingly.
Resolved that M^r Joseph Grazebroook, be and is hereby appointed Treasurer to this Company and Mess^r Hollings & Grazebrook be authoris'd to pay the Ballance now in their hands to M^r Jo^s Grazebrook on the Account of this Company.
Resolved that M^r Freebury as Treasurer of the Coal Committee do immediately pay to M^r Ellis the Sum of £200 advanced by him he having signified his Approbation to receive the same with the Interest and further that he do pay to M^r Grazebrook the remaining Ballance in his hands to be placed to the Coal Account of this Company.
Resolved that in future the Coal Committee or any two of them be impowered to draw on the said Treasurer for any Sum that may be necessary for the purchase of Coals not exceeding £800. M^r Grazebrook being present agreed to accept the same on Condition of receiving Interest for any Money advanced over the ballance on the Coal Account.
Our Clerk having reported that a large Quantity of Fish had been poisoned in the several Levells of the Canal below the Bristol Road, Ordered that advertisments be inserted in the Glocester Journal (as often as Committees shall approve) offering a Reward of £20 to be paid to such Persons as shall give sufficient Evidence to convict the Offender or Offenders.
It being also reported to this Company that unfair means have been used to take Fish by Persons who have purchased Ticketts for angling in the Canal, Resolved that all Ticketts granted in future shall empower the Purchaser to Fish with a Rod and Line only.

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