Minutes Tue 15 Sep 1795

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Tue 15 Sep 1795


Mr Sam King's account of damages sustained in pieces of land rented from Mr Peach, the Hyde and Rowles Green. Charge £38 10s. Clerk to tender Mr King £20. If not accepted he should refer amount to arbitration.
Mud above top gate at Framilode to be removed immediately.
Mr Samuel Bowyer claimed share no.155, will of Samuel Bowyer.
Mr Scudamore claimed share no.92, Mrs Sarah Freebury shares nos.149,150, will of Charles Freebury.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 15^th of Sep^r 1795
Present: Jos^h Isles Wathen, Jos^h Grazebrook, Sam^l Wathen, Rowles Scudamore, Benj^n Grazebrook, Sam^l Smith.
Read the Minutes of the last Committee Meeting.
Continued the Order respecting the Waste Water at M^r Hoggs.
Our Clerk reported that the Bason at Framiload is in great forwardness.
M^r Sam^l Kings account of damages sustained in pieces of Land rented of M^r Peach called the Hyde and Rowles Green being produced, amount whereof was charg'd at £38..10^s the same was taken into consideration, and it is thereupon Ordered that our Clerk do tender to M^r King the sum of £20 in full satisfaction of his said demand, and in case the same should not be accepted, that he do then propose to M^r King to refer the amount of his said demand to the arbitration of two indifferent Persons one to be named by either Party.
Ordered that the Mud above the Stop Gate at Framiload be removed immediately.
M^r Clerk attended on behalf of M^r Sam^l Bowyer of the City of London Gent^n and made out his Claim for one Share N^o 155 in the Stroudwater Navigation late the Property of his Father Sam^l Bowyer deceased by producing the Probate of the Will of his Father the late Sam^l Bowyer bearing date the 23^rd Sep^r 1790 and duly proved in the Perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 3^rd of Dec^r 1790 whereby it appears that the said Sam^l Bowyer is sole Executor and his Claim is hereby admitted.
M^r Scudamore produced the Probate of the Will and Codicile of Charles Freebury deceased the Will bearing date of 11^th of Nov^r 1793 and the Codeicile the 23^rd of Jan^y 1794 the Probated taken from the Diocesan Court of the Bishop of Gloces^r bearing date 22^nd June 1795, and claim'd one Share N^o 92 as the Legattee thereof by Virtue of the said Will and Codicile for the Trusts therein mentioned. And on the part of M^rs Sarah Freebury the Wido and Sole Executrix of the said Cha^S Freebury claimed two other Shares, N^o 149, 150 late the Property of the said deceased, which claims are hereby respectively admitted.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 12^th of Octo^r nest at 12 o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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