Minutes Thu 22 Oct 1795

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Thu 22 Oct 1795


The present stop gate at Framilode, having been repaired, is sufficient. Wall of basin to be completed.
Mr Clissold acceded to ideas of Committee recorded on 12 October.
Drain parallel to canal to remove injury to Mr Cook's land.
Mr Franklin to attend next Committee meeting to receive plan and estimates for house and office for Clerk.
2 foot culvert to be made to take superfluous water from Mr Hogg's pond.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Thursday the 22^nd of October 1795
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Benj^n Grazebrook, Jos^h Grazebrook, John Allaway, Rowles Scudamore.
Read the Minutes of the last Committee and General Meetings.
It being the Opinion of this Committee that the present Stop Gate at Framiload having being repaired is sufficient, Ordered that the Wall of the Bason be compleated.
Continued the order respecting M^r Kings damages.
Our Clerk reported that he had mad a proposal to M^r Clissold agreeable to the order of the last Committee Meeting and that M^r Clissonl acceded thereto.
The Committee having taken a View of M^r Cooks Land believe that a Drain made pararel with the Canal will remove the Injury. Ordered that the same be executed immediatly.
It being resolved by the General Half Yearly Meeting that a House and Office be built for the residence of the Clerk, Ordered that M^r Franklin be desired to attend the next Committee Meeting to receive instructions for a Plan & estimate.
Ordered that a Culvert of 2 Feet be made to take the superfluous water from M^r Hoggs pond.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Thursday the 3^rd of Dec^r next at 12 o'Clock in the forenoon at the George Inn in Stroud.

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