Minutes Tue 11 Oct 1796

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Tue 11 Oct 1796


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage £884 19s 4d. Balance £606 10s 11d. Dividend of £3 15s declared.
Mr Cummerline, of the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Company, exhibited plan of intended deviation from original plan. Meeting's consent to proposed deviations, with stipulations entered into between committees. Proper clauses for protection of rights and interests of Company and provisions as stated in report of Committee to be inserted in new Bill depending in Parliament. Mr Bigland, Mr Wathen, Mr Grazebrook, Mr Joseph Grazebrook to attend Bill in its progress through Houses of Parliament.
Expedient to raise rate of tonnage on firewood and reduce rate on stone carried downwards on canal and shipped at any point below the boundary at Brimscombe specified in the Thames & Severn Canal Act. Firewood 2s a ton, stone 1s a ton.
Bow window in Cam's house at Wallbridge approved. Increase to rent on house.

Verbatim text

At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the George Inn in Stroud on Tuesday the 11^th of October 1796
Sam^l Wathen Eaq^r in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Meeting were Read and Confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced respecting the Affairs of the Company as directed by the Act of Parliament and Examined and Confirmed.
It appears by the Accounts that the sum of £884..19^s..4^d has been received for Tonnage, etc, from the 12^th of April last to this day, a part of which has been applied towards the payment of Debts, Wages, Disburstments, etc, there remains with a former Ballance in the Treasurers Hands the Sum of £605..10^s..11^d.
Ordered that a Divident of £3..15^s be made on each Share, to be paid by the Treasurer on the first day of December next, and that our Clerk do transmit Circular Letters to all the Proprietors to inform them they may draw upon the Treasurer or apply to him for payment of the same.
M^r Cummerline attended on the part of the Glocester & Berkley Canal Company, and exhibited a plan of their intended deviations from the line of their Canal as the same was originally marked out upon their Plan. The proceedings of our Committee upon this Subject of the 19^th day of September last were refered to and approved, and the General Meeting express'd to M^r Commerline their Consent to the proposed deviation in the line of the Glocester and Berkley Canal, upon the footing of the Stipulations entered into, between our Committee and the Committee of the Glocester and Berkley Canal of the above date of 19^th Sep^r last.
Resolved that it is expedient to procure to be inserted in the new Bill depending in Parilament upon the Petition of the Glocester and Berkley Canal Company proper Clauses for the protection of the rights and Interest of our Company, and particularly such provisions as are stated in the report of our Committee of the above date of 19^th September, And the following members of our Committee are requested to attend to the Bill in its progress thro' the Houses of Parliament, and to take care that proper Clauses to such effect as above stated be inserted into the Bill, Viz: M^r Bigland, M^r Wathen, M^r Grazebrooke, M^r Jos^h Grazebrooke or any two of them.
It appearing expedient to raise the rate of Tonnage upon Firewood, and to reduce the rate of Tonnage upon Stone, respectively carried downward upon our Canal, and originally shipped at any point below the boundary line at Brimscombe mentioned in the Thames & Severn Canal Act.
Resolved unanimously that there be paid hereafter for Firewood shipp'd at any point below such boundary and carried downwards upon the Canal, at and after the Rate of Two Shillings per Ton, and so for any greater or less quantity than a Ton, And further that there be paid hereafter for Stone origionally shipp'd at any point below the boundary carried downwards upon the Canal at or after the rate of one Shilling per Ton only, and so for any greater or less quantity than a Ton.
Approved the Order of the last Committee for erecting Bow Windows in Cams House at Walbridge under the Idea of his paying an increased Rent to be hereafter adjusted.

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