Minutes Wed 13 Feb 1799

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Wed 13 Feb 1799


Two openings cut in bank of lower level of canal by Jas Tyler, Richard Tyley, Samuel Saunders, John White, Jas Richards, William Harper, Thomas Daniels, George Lawrance, Evan Jones, William Dunn, Jas Andrews, Joseph Sinderbury(?). Clerk to apply to magistrate for warranty. Rev Joseph Colborne, Mr Wathen, Mr Grazebrook Senr., Mr Joseph Grazebrook to attend next sessions at Cainscross.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Wednesday the 13^th of Feb 1799
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Nath^l Wathen, Rev^d W^m Ellis, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Rev^d J Colborne, Jos^h Grazebrooke, Ew^d Wood, Rowles Scudamore, Nath^l Jones.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the order respecting the Boat House and the Shed at Thos^s Lewis's House as well as for the building of the Boat agreeable to the order of the last Meeting.
The Companys Servants having reported that two openings had been cut by Ja^s Tyley, Rich^d Tyley, Tho^s Daniels, George Lawrance, Evan Jones, W^m Dunn, Ja^s Andrews, Jos^s Sinderbury on the 15^th of Feb^y last, Ordered that our Clerk do apply to one of the Majistrates of the Division for Warrants against the above mentioned individuals and that the Rev^d Jos^h Colborne, M^r Wathen, M^r Grazebrooks Sen^r, M^r Jos^h Grazebrook be requested to attend the next Session at Cainscross on this business.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Tuesday the 5^th of March next at 5 o Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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