Minutes Wed 12 Jun 1799

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Wed 12 Jun 1799


Inspection on Company Barge.
Upper gates at Double Lock to be immediately repaired.
Mr Beard to purchase oak timber to the amount of£50-£100.
Letter from Christopher Chambers, John Chalis, Matthew Chalis, John Disney, (Thames & Severn Canal Company). Proposal to fence off towing path, from Framilode to Stroud and erect swing gates that vessels might be drawn by horses. Referred to next General Half Yearly Meeting.
Weir erected in Pool Field by Mr Purnell in bad state of repair. Considerable waste of water. Mr Purnell to repair it or weir filled up and destroyed.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on Board the Company's Barge on Wednesday the 12^th of June 1799
Present: Rev^d W^m Ellis, Jn^o Allaway, Rev^d Jos^h Colborne, Jos^h Grazebrooke, Sam^l Wathen, Edw^d Wood, Nath^l Wathen, Nath^l Jones, Benj^m Grazebrooke.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the Order respecting the Shed at Tho^s Lewis's House, as well as for the building of the Boat agreeably to the order of the last Meeting. Ordered that the upper Gates at the Double Lock be immediatly repaired, and that all repairs on the Navigation be forthwith proceeded with. Ordered that W^m Beard be directed to purchase some Oak Timber for the Use of Navigation to the amount f 50^£ to 100^£.
A Letter dated 4^th June has been received from Mess^rs C^r Chambers, Jn^o Chalic, Matt^w Chalic & Jn^o Disney on the behalf of the T S Canal Co containing a proposal to the Stroudwater Canal Co to fence off the Towing path from Framiload to Stroud, and to erect Swing Gates, that Vessels might be drawn by Horses. It is the Opinion of the Committee that the discussion of this proposition be referred to the decision of the next General Half Yearly Meeting to be holden in October ensuing and our Clerk is directed to inform those Gent^n thereof.
The Committee having found the Weir erected in Pool Field by M^r Purnell with the permission of the Company in a bad State of repair in consequence of which a considerable waste of Water is incurred, Ordered that a Letter be immediatly transmitted by our Clerk requiring M^r Purnell to repair the same without loss of time, informing him that if such repair is neglected, the Committee would be compelled to give directions to have the Weir filled up and destroyed.
Adjourn'd this Meeting to Monday the 15^th of July next at half after 5 o'Clock in the afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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