Minutes Mon 16 Mar 1801

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Mon 16 Mar 1801


3s per week to Martha Share till next meeting.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 16^th of March 1801
Present: Benj^n Grazebrook, Rowles Scudamore, Jn^o Allaway, Nath^l Jones, Joseph Grazebrook, Ew^d Wood.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the Order respecting the Warehouse at Bristol Road. Also the Order pf the Weekley pay of 3^s per Week to Martha Share till the next Meeting.
Adjourned this Meeting to Monday the 13^th of April next at 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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