Minutes Mon 13 Apr 1801

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Mon 13 Apr 1801


3s per week to Martha share till next meeting.
Wages of William Beard, Andrew Beard and Samuel Beard increased by 1s per week till 29 September.
Second Clerk, William Pavey, given increase of £8 per annum to cover advanced price of provisions.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Monday the 13^th of April 1801
Present: Sam^l Wathen, Nath^l Wathen, Rev^d Will^m Ellis, Jn^o Allaway, Benj^n Grazebrooke, Ew^d Wood, Jos^h Grazebrooke, Nath^l Jones.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
Continued the Order respecting the Warehouse at Bristol Road. Also the Order of the Weekley pay of 3^s per Week to Martha Share till the next Meeting.
Ordered that the Wages of W^m Beard, And^W Beard and Samuel Beard Tho^s Lewis be advanced 1^s per Week from the 14^th of March last to the 29^th of September.
Our second Clerk William Pavey having applied for an increase in Salary, in consequence of the present advanced price of Provisions, Ordered that an Addition of 8^£ per Annum be made thereunto to take place from the 1^st of Mch last.
Ordered that a Bill be drawn on the Treasurer for the Sum of £353..9^s..4^d for the use of the Navigation.

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