Minutes Mon 19 Apr 1847

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Mon 19 Apr 1847


The will of Henry Wyatt proved in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury gave share no.50 in the Stroudwater Navigation to Paul Hawkins Fisher.
Mr Driver to commence mudding the canal and that the canal be stopped at Whitsuntide as usual, commencing Monday 24th May and ending on Saturday following.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Monday Apl 19th 1847
Present: M^r Dan Watts, M^r Rich^d Martin Chairman, W^m Fryer, G H A Beard, Fred^k Eycott, Will^m Jn^o Wood, Jn^o H Warman, Jn^o Holbrow.
M^r Cha^s Hawkins Fisher attended on for Paul Hawkins Fisher of Stroud in the County of Gloucster Esquire acting Trustee and Executor named and appointed by the last Will and Testament of Henry Wyatt late of Farmhill in the parish of Stroud in the County of Gloucester deceaed and made out his claim to one Share N^o 50 in the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Henry Wyatt in the Books of the Company of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation, by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Henry Wyatt dated the 24th day of November 1835 whereby the said Henry Wyatt appointed the said Paul Hawkins Fisher one of the Trustees and Executors of his said will and which was proved by the said Paul Hawker Fisher in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the 29th day of March 1847 and his claim to the said Share is allowed accordingly.
M^r Martin, M^r Beard and M^r Watts reported that they had met M^r Hughes and M^r Keedewell at Stonehouse Wharf and set apart a portion of it for their accommodation.
Ordered that Mr Driver commence mudding the canal without further delay in those parts where it is most required.
Ordered that an advance of one shilling per week in addition to his present Wages be paid to Jos^h Cottle.
Ordered that the Canal be stopped at Whitsuntide as usual commencing on Monday 24th May and ending on the Saturday following both days inclusive.
M^r Hawker was desired to call at the Count of Glocester Bank at Stroud and request to know what per centage they will allow half yearly for the average balance in their hands.
Ordered that in future the Ticket book be signed by the Auditor.
Two letters dated Mch 18th and April 7th respectively were read from Mess^rs Southam & Evans asking for a reduction on Salt carried to Purton and beyond, to the amount of one half or 4^d per ton.
Ordered that the same be acceded to provided the Thames and Severn Canal Company make a similar reduction.
Ordered that M^r Hawker do work to M^r Jn^o King of the Ryeford and require _immediate_ payment of the rent due to this Company with an intimation that proceedings will be commenced forthwith if not complied with.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid:
Martin & C^o: £7..4..-
Hen^y Howell: 4..7..-
Tripp & C^o: 51..12..-
Oliver Cam: -..8..5
Jn^o Andrews: -..9..2
G Smith: -..4..-

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