Minutes Thu 19 Aug 1847

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Thu 19 Aug 1847


When time expired within which Messrs Waring requested it should not be tested, it should be tested by a competent engineer before payment of the account. Capt. Clegram to be asked to attend and report on the trial of the crane.
Application from Mr Clutterbuck to have gate or stile erected across footpath from swivel bridge at Dudbridge was rejected as they have no authority to put a fence across a public footpath.
Usual voyage of inspection of the Canal to start from Wallbridge at 9 o’clock in the morning on Thursday 19 August.
As estimates for changes to house at Stonehouse Wharf greatly exceeded £15, Mr Hobbs offered to pay a further £2 per annum.
Hall and back kitchen pavements of house at Wallbridge need repairs.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Thursday August 19th 1847
Present: M^r Henry Sikes, Will^m Fryer, Tho^s C Croome, Jn^o Holbrow, Dan Watts Chairman, Hen^y Beard.
Ordered that M^r Driver do have the Wall repaired at Dudbridge Wharf adjoining the house in which M^r Apperly lives.
A letter was read from Mess^rs Waring requesting payment of their account.
Resolved that they be informed that the Committee are not at present satisfied that the Crane is equal to the Work which it was intended to perform, but as soon as the time is expired within which Mess^rs Waring requested that it should not be tested to the full weight a trial will be made in the presence of an Engineer of which they shall have notice in case they should wish to attend and that the consideration of their Account will be deferred until that trial has taken place.
Resolved that an Engineer be engaged to superintend the trial and that it should take place at the next Monthly Committee Meeting and that the Committee be summoned at 12 O'Clock in order to give time for it.
Resolved that M^r Hawker be aurhorized to communicate with Capt Clegram and ask him to attend and give his opinion, but if he declines that then M^r Hawker engage some other competent Engineer to attend.
An application from M^r Clutterbuck to have a Gate or Fence and Stile erected across the foot path leading from the Swivel Bridge at Dudbridge towards Dudbridge was taken into consideration.
Resolved that M^r Clutterbuck be informed that the Committee think they have no authority to put any fence across a public footpath where none exists at present and therefore cannot adopt his suggestion.
The House at Stonehouse Wharf was inspected, on reference to the order made at the last Committee Meeting for an expenditure of Fifteen pounds in alterations there and estimates were produced shewing that the costs would be considerably exceed that Amount and Hobbs the tenant having increased his offer to an additional Rent of Two pounds per annum.
Resolved that M^r Driver do buy such Materials as are not to be found amongst the Company's Store and get the work done by day work.
Resolved that the Work at the Ship Inn Wallbridge for which Estimates are now produced be left to M^r Fryer who has consented to look into and decide on it.
The pavement in the Hall and Back Kitchen at M^r Hawker's house at Wallbridge being out of repair.
Ordered that the same be restored.

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