Minutes Mon 20 Sep 1847

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Mon 20 Sep 1847


The crane at Dudbridge Wharf had not raised load from the ground when one of the main wheels broke. Load of 2 pieces of timber weighed 7 tons 18cwt. The shaft bent so much that it seemed to require strengthening.
Use of towing path as a footpath to be stopped during days in October fixed by Mr Hawkins and Mr Driver.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Monday the 20th day of September 1847
Present: M^r Sikes, M^r W J Wood, R Martin, Will^m Fryer, Dan Watts, G H A Beard, Jn^o H Warman, Tho^s C Croome Chairman.
The Committee met at Dudbridge Wharf to try the new Crane in the presence of Capt Clegram and Mess^rs Waring who attended for the purpose and two pieces of Timber weighing 7 Tons 18 Cwt together were attacjed. The Crane has not raised the load from the ground when one of the main Wheels broke and the Shaft has bent so much that it seemed to require strengthening before it would carry the weight.
Capt Clegram having requested an Inspection of the Contract with Mess^rs Waring,
Ordered that M^r Hawker do furnish copies of the correspondence to Capt Clegram with a View to his making his report.
Ordered that the next monthly Committee Meeting be held on Monday 18th October.
Ordered that the next Half Yearly General Assembly of the Proprietors be fixed for Wednesday the 27th October and advertised as usual.
Ordered that the use of the Towing Path by the Public be stopped during such days of the month of October next as may be fixed by M^r Hawker and M^r Driver.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid:
N Driver 1 Quarters Salary: 17..10..-
Jn^o Burbidge 2 months Salary: 10..-..-
J P Brisley StationeryL 6..5..-
Dan Hewlett painting etc: 6..15..4
Canal Dinner: 8..1..1
Jas Nurse Canvas: 1..1..10
Ol Cam Carriage of Oak Poles: -..8..-
Tho^s Gubb Smith's Work: 1..19..-
Hen^y Howell Smith's Work: 1..12..7
W^m Terrell & Sons Tar: 1..7..-
Gas Company: 1..6..6
Car^d on: 56..6..4

Bro^t On: 56..6..4
Tho^s Hooper Hauling: 4..4..10
B Barnard Bricks: 2..12..-
R Hunt Oak Poles: 3..1.-
J Andrews Smiths Work: 2..12..2
J Spire Board: -..7..9
H Harrison Masonry: 3..15..11
Richard White Lead: 1..5..9
Richard Oil & Paint: 2..1..2
Tho^s Webb Board: 1..17..4
Ol Cam Work: 8..16..3
Ann Harrison Work & Materials: 13..13..1
Liddiatt painting at the Ship Inn: 1..15..-
Liddiatt Color & White Washing: 1..18..-
Jn^o Ferrabee: 8..6..-
[Total] £113..3..7

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