Minutes Wed 17 Sep 1851

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Wed 17 Sep 1851


Mr Marling has replied he would withdraw his claim to land at Stonehouse if Company showed his solicitor the conveyance.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17th day of September 1851
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r Rich^d Martin, Will^m Fryer, T C Croome Chairman, Hen^y Harris, Cha^s H Fisher.
M^r Hawker reported that he had ascertained that the return for Income Tax was required to be made on the last year and that he had accordingly inserted in the Return the sum of 5152^£..10^s..8^d.
M^r Croome reported that he had seen M^r N S Marling pursuant to the Resolution of the last Meeting who replied that he would immediately withdraw his claim to the right of fishing the Ocean at Stonehouse if the Company would shew his Solicitor a Conveyance of the Land described in the plan to have been conveyed.
M^r Croome also reported that M^r Marling asked him to produce the Map to Mess^rs Davies in order to settle a question of Boundary between them.
Ordered that an application be made to M^rs Mansfield through her Solicitor M^r Little to search her Deeds and give over to this company any which may be found belonging to them and that an answer to M^r Marling be postponed until the result of this search be known.
Ordered that the Half Yearly Meeting be held on Wednesday the 29th October at 2 O'Clock PM at Wallbridge and that M^r Hawker do publish the usual Notices and that the Meeting of the Committee be held on the same day at 1 O'Clock PM/
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Henry Howell Smiths Work: 37^£..9^s..7^d
Edwin Baxter Masonry: 10..16..5
Jn^o Burbidge 2 Mos Salary: 10..-..-
Nat^n Driver 1 Quarter: 17..10..-
E Cooper Auditor ½ year: 7..17..6
Expences of Inspection: 7^£..10^s..2^d
J P Brisley Stationery: 12..11..9
Oliver Cam Masonry: -..14..2
Jn^o Andrews Smith's Work: -..10..-

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