Minutes Fri 19 Mar 1852

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Fri 19 Mar 1852


Messrs. Holmes and Co. of Stroud had applied to know on what terms Canal Co. would take goods from Eastington to Ocean at Stonehouse. Table of rates for timber, corn, flour and other goods.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 10th day of March 1852
Present: M^r Fred^k Eycott, M^r Hen^y Harris Chairman, G Hen^y A Beard, Rich^d Martin, Jn^o H Warman, Cha^s Hooper, Will^m Fryer.
M^r Hawker having suggested that in consequence of the uniform rate of Sixpence per ton on all Coals carried Eastward of the Sapperton Tunnel lately agreed to being now in operation the following form of Certificate to be signed by the Clerk of the Thames and Severn Canal Company at Brimscombe shall in future entitle the Owner of the Vessel producing it to be charged at that rate:
Canal Office Brimscombe Port
I hereby certify that the Cargo of Coals carried up by the (name of Vessel & Owner) were delivered at
Clerk to the Thames & Severn Canal Company.
M^r Hawker having reported that Mess^rs Holmes & C^o of Stroud had applied to him to know on what terms this Canal Company would take Goods from Eastington to the Ocean at Stonehouse and from thence to Stroud and the intermediate places and the following lists of Rates having been submitted to this Committee by M^r Hawker as that which in his judgment would not unfairly interfere with the present Traders on the Canal from a Conversation he had had with some of them, it was Resolved that the Rates be adopted as follows:
Goods - Con? Timber, Corn & Flour.
From the Ocean to Eastington and Eastington to the Ocean: 6^d 6^d 6^d 6^d per Ton.
From the Ocean to Stonehouse and from Stonehouse to the Ocean: 6^d 6^d 6^d 6^d per Ton.
From the Ocean to Ryeford and from Ryeford to the Ocean: 8^d 8^d 8^d 8^d per Ton.
From the Ocean to the Oil Mills & Ebley and from the Oil Mills & Ebley to Ocean: 9^d 9^d 9^d 9^d per Ton.
From the Ocean to Dudbridge and from Dudbridge to the Ocean: 9^d 9^d 9^d 9^d per Ton.
From the Ocean to Gas Works, Lodgemore & Wallbridge & from Wallbridge, Lodgemore & Gas Works to the Ocean: 10^d 10^d 10^d 10^d per Ton.
From the Ocean to Stroud & on and from Stroud & on to the Ocean: 10^d 10^d 8^d 8^d 8^Iron.
Resolved that the usual Half yearly Meeting take place on Wednesday the 21st April at 2 O'Clock and that the Clerk give the usual Notice thereof by advertisement and that the Committee be summoned to Meet at 12 O'Clock on the same day.
Resolved that the following Bills and Accounts be paid Viz:
J P Brisley Stationery: 9^£..10^s..-^d
N Driver Quarters Sal^y due 25th Int: 17..10..-
Jn^o Birbidge 2 months Sal^y: 10..-..-
Edwin Cooper Aud^r ½ year: 7..17..6
T C Croome Law Charges: 9..3..10
Hen^y Dangerfield Ironmongery: 11..11..6
Hen^r Harrison Masonry: 2..10..5
Jn^o Ferrabee & Sons Castings: 1..5..-
F James Ropes: 1..4..5

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