Minutes Tue 19 Oct 1852

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Tue 19 Oct 1852


Tonnage of timber, iron and merchandized carried beyond Sapperton Tunnel to be 6d.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at their Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19th day of October 1852
Present: M^r Hen^t Harris, M^r T C Croome, J H Warman, Cha^s Hooper, Fred^k Eycott, Will^m Fryer, G H A Beard, C H Fisher, Rich^d Martin Chairman.
M^r Cooper the Auditor attended and stated that he had examined all the Books and Accounts and Vouchers and found every Item correct.
The Treasurer's Book was produced examined and signed.
Ordered that in future the Tonnage on Timber Iron and Merchandize carried beyond the Sapperton Tunnel of the Thames & Severn Canal be charged at the uniform rate of 6^d per Tone for this Navigation.

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