Wed 8 Dec 1852
Rev. S. Howell Jones complained that during late flood there was danger that the stop gate at Framilode would have proved insufficient. Mr Hawker said that despite excessive nature of the flood no inconvenience had resulted but he had strengthened flood gate.
Mr Driver to be given £5 gratuity and a salary increase of £5 per annum in consequence of additional duties in checking tickets.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 8th day of December 1852
Present: M^r T C Croome, M^r Hen^y Harris Chairman, Jn^o H Warman, G Hen^y A Beard, Fred^k Eycott, Cha^s H Fisher, Will^m Fryer.
A Letter from the Rev^d S Fowell Jones Incumbent of Saul to M^r Hawker dated 30th Nov last was read complaining that during the late flood there was danger that the Stop Gate at Framilode would have proved insufficient. M^r Driver was called in and reported that notwithstanding the excessive nature of the flood no inconvenience had resulted nevertheless he had strengthened the Gate and considered it now to be quite sufficient.
Ordered that M^r Jones be informed that this was done.
Ordered that an increase of Five pounds per annum be made to M^r Driver's Salary to commence from 20th Dec 1851 in consequence of the additional Duties which he has been required to perform in checking Tickets and otherwise and that an additional Sum of Five pounds be given him to provide for such increase for the current year.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
M^r Driver 1 Quarters Salary: 17..10..-
M^r Driver addition for the current year: 5..-..-
Mess^rs Martin & C^o for Wine: 7..4..-
Sam^l Hadley for Timber: 22..5..1
Sam^l Critchley Sundries: -..19..5
Hen^y Howell Smith's Work: 1..4..9
Jn^o Andrews Smith's Work: -..12..1
Cainscross Gas Inspector for Gas Lights: 5..-..-