Wed 22 Dec 1852
Meeting arranged between Mr Croome, Chairman of Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation and Mr Richards, Chairman of Thames & Severn Canal Co to discuss tonnage charged by both companies.
At a Special Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 22nd day of December 1852
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r Will^m Fryer, Fred^k Eycott, Rich^d Martin, G H A Beard, Cha^s H Fisher, H^y Harris, Cha^s Hooper, T C Croome Chairman.
M^r Taunton the Agent of the Thames & Severn Canal attended and discussed various matters connected with the Tonnages charged by both companies and it was finally resolved that a suggestion made for a Meeting between M^r Croome and M^r Richards the Chairman of the Thames and Severn Canal should be carried out and that M^r Croome be authrorised to meet and discuss the matters fully with M^r Richards.