Wed 15 Jun 1853
Case of George Hoyle compromised on receiving £2.
Mr Driver to erect gate across towing path near Ryeford Mill.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15th day of June 1853
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r Hen^y Harris Chairman, Fred^k Eycott, Will Fryer, G H A Beard, C H Fisher, Tho^s C Croome.
M^r Hawker reported that he had caused a Summons to be served on George Hayle purusuant to the resolution of the last Meeting and had compromised the Matter by receiving Two Pounds which was sanctioned and approved.
Ordered that M^r Driver do erect a Gate across the Towing path near the Ryeford Mill at the spot already agreed upon.
Ordered that the following Accounts be paid:
N Driver 1 Quarter Salary due 21st Ins^t: 18^£..15^s..-^d
Stephen Harrison Mason: 2..3..6