Wed 21 Sep 1853
Public use of towpath to be stopped during October on days set by Mr Driver and Mr Hawker.
A check book of passes for back carriage down the canal to be provided and used henceforth.
Joseph Jeffries to be given notice not to trespass on towpath.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Sept 21st 1853
Present: M^r Jn^o H Warman, M^r Henry Harris Chairman, Will^m Fryer, Tho^s C Croome, Rich^d Martin, Cha^s Hooper, Cha^s H Fisher.
The Draft Agreement with this Company and the Thames and Severn Canal Company was altered and finally settled in consequence of further suggestions was read over and approved.
Ordered that M^r Hawker make a return of 4309^£..5^s..-^d as the Income of this Navigation for Assessment of the Property and Income Tax.
M^r Hawker reported that since the last Meeting he had paid £76..-..3½ for Property and Income Tax due 5th April last.
Resolved that the said payment be adopted and approved.
Ordered that the use of the Towing Path by the Public be stopped during such days in the Month of October next as may be fixed by M^r Hawker and M^r Driver.
Ordered that a Check Book containing Passes for back Carriage down the Canal in the form now produced be provided and used henceforth.
Ordered hat the usual Half Yearly Meeting do take place on Wednesday the 26th October next at 3 O'Clock and that the Monthly Meeting of the Committee do take place at 2 O'Clock on that day and that M^r Hawker do give the requisite Notices in the usual way.
M^r Driver reported that the Gate near the Railway Bridge at Stonehouse is erected pursuant to the Resolution of the last Meeting.
Ordered that Joseph Jeffries have notice not to trespass on the Towing path.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
J P Brisley Stationery: 7..15..4
N Driver 1 Quarter due 29th Ins^t: 18..15..-
E Cooper Auditor ½ year to 29^th Ins^t last: 7..17..6
Expenses for Tour of Inspection: 7..4..3
Edw^d Shepway Sundries: 5..-..4
Hen Howell Smith's Work: 5..12..8
H^y Dangerfield Ironm^y: -..15..2
Wo;;^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 2..10..-
Jn^o Butt Poles: -..10..-
Ja^s Smith Tar: -..10..-