Wed 11 Jun 1856
J. Beardmore Wathen and Henry Dickson claimed share no.101, will of Nathaniel Wathen.
Mr George to pay his account by 7 July or proceedings will be taken under his guarantee.
New traders must give guarantee before getting credit, but existing traders need not
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday teh 11^th day of June 1856
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^r N S Marling Chairman, J H Warman, R^d Martin, F Eycott, H^y Harris, T C Croome, H^y Beard, C Hooper, W^m Fryer.
M^r N A Partridge of Wallbridge in the Parish of Painswick in the County of Gloucester attended on behalf of J Beardmore Wathen Esq^r of 29 Guildford Street London Solicitor & W^m Henry Dickson Esq^r of Clapham Common in the County of Surrey Gentleman & made out their claim as Executors of the Will of the late Nathaniel Wathen late of Gordon Square and since of N^o 5 Bedford Square in the County of Middlesex Esq^r to one Share numbered 101 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to & now standing in the name of the said Nath^l Wathen in the Books of the C^o of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said N Wathen deceased having date the 14 day of December 1850 and proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on the 21^st day of May 1856 & also be producing the Ticket or Title to the said share and the claims of the said John Beardmore Wathen ^ W^m H^y Dickson was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out for them.
Ordered that our Clerk do inform M^r George that immediate payment of his account is required & that he be informed that proceedings will be taken under his Guarantee unless the amount be paid on or before the 7^th July next.
The Guarantees taken from various Traders on the Navigation were produced and examined.
It was resolved that in future M^r Partridge do not give credit to any new Trader without taking a similar Letter of Guarantee but that he is not required to apply to Parties to whom credit is now ordinarily given without such Guarantee unless he receive instructions to that effect from the Committee.
Ordered that in future the Meetings of the Committee by held on the third Wednesday of the month instead of the 2^d as heretofore.
Ordered that the following Bills & A/cs be paid viz:
M^r Partridfe 1 Qrs Salary due 20^th Ins't: 25^£..0^s..0^d
Driver 1 Qrs Salary due 20^th Ins't: 20..0..0
J Burbidge 2 Mts Salary due 20 Ins't: 10..0..0
R^d Martin Timber: 8..12..6
J Andrews Smith's Work: 2..19..10
P Camm Masonry: 3..19..6
W^m Taylor Masonry: 1..7..8
W^m Franklin Measuring: -..10..6
J Andrews Jr Smith's Work: -..12..6
Price & C^o Timber: 3..16..4