Minutes Wed 17 Sep 1856

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Wed 17 Sep 1856


George Henry Augustus Beard claimed shares nos.65,111,117,138, 139,157, will of Frances Lockey.
Bridge at Framilode completed.
Beaman and Washborne to supply 3 dozen Sherry for the use of meetings.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of September 1856
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^r H^y Harris Chairman, J H Warman, G H A Beard, W^m Fryer, T C Croome.
George Henry Augustus Beard of Leonard Stanley in the County of Gloucester surviving Executor of the Will of Francss Lockey late of the City of Gloucester Widow attended & made out his Claim as such Executor of the said Frances Lockey to six Shares N^o 65, 111, 117, 138, 139 & 157 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to & now standing in the name of the said Frances Lockey on the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Tickets or Titles to the said Shares & the Probate of the Will of the said Frances Lockey deceased bearing date the 11^th day of March 1847 & proved (with a Codicil) in the Prerogative Court of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury on the 13^th day of September 1856 by the said G H A Beard & the Claim of the said G H A Beard was admitted accordingly & new Tickets ordered to be made out for him.
M^r Driver reported that the Bridge at Framilode was completed.
Ordered that Mess^rs Beaman & Washbourne do supply 3 dozen of Sherry for the use of the Meetings of the Company.
Ordered that the following Bills and A/cs be paid viz: £ s d
M^r Partridge 1 Qr's Salary due 29^th Ins't: 25..-..-
Driver 1 Qr's Salary due 29^th Ins't: 20..-..-
J Burbidge 2 mts due 20^th: 10..-..-
E Cooper Auditor ½ year 29^th: 7..17..6
General Assemblies Yearly Inspection: 7..7..1
T C Croome Law Expenses: 10..15..11
W^m Knee Stone, etc: 11..2..7
O Cam Masonry: 21..7..7
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 9..12..10
J Andrews Jr Smith's Work: 10..8..10
F Martin Timber: 12..-..-
Coleman & Mayo Timber: 9..9..-
S A & H Kell Iron: 7..4..-
G Perry New Bridge: 10..-..-
T Webb Timber: 1..5..-
J Yeend Tar: 1..8..-
G Mills Sawing Timber: -..13..4
S Pearce Repairing Mud Boots & Bag: -..12..-
J George Oakum: -..7..-
J Andrews Smith's Work: -..6..-
Gas Lamps at Dudbridge ½ year: 2..10..-
W Hobbs, Smith's Work: 1..-..6
Midland Railway Carriage of Timber: -..2..6
Ordered that the usual Half Yearly Meeting of the Company be held on Wednesday the 22^d Oct^r next at 3 O'Clock & that the monthly Meeting of the Committee do take place at 2 O'Clock on that day and that M^r Partridge do give the requisite notices in the usual way.

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