Minutes Wed 12 Nov 1856

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Wed 12 Nov 1856


Mr Lane and Messrs. Reynolds and Allen applied for reduction of tonnages on wheat. To be given drawback of 4d per ton for over 1500 tons each half a year for each of them, with flour returned free of charge.
Mr George and Mr Blick to be allowed a drawback of 6d per ton on coal landed at Stonehouse provided more than 300 tons per half year provided it is not sent on by rail.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 12^th day of November 1856
Present: M^r Cha^s Hawker, M^r N S Marling Chairman, J H Warman, G H A Beard, H^y Harris.
The subject of the application for a reduction of Tonnage by M^r Lane & Mess^rs Reynolds & Allen referred to in the Minutes of the last General half yearly Meeting was further considered and it was resolved that whenever the amount of Wheat brought up by M^r Lane and Mess^rs Reynolds & Allen from the Junction with the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal to Lodgemore, or discharged from this Canal into the Warehouse at Wallbridge, is not less than 1500 Tons half yearly for each of them they shall be allowed in future a drawback of fourpence per Ton on the quantity brought up; & the flour taken back shall go free as at present, and that M^r Partridge do communicated this resolution to the parties.
The application from M^r George for a reduction of Tonnage on Coal at Stonehouse also referred to in the above Minutes was further considered and it was resolved that whenever the amount of household coal landed at Stonehouse Wharf by either M^r George or M^r Blick, and not sent on by Railway, is not less than 300 Tons half yearly for each of these parties, a drawback of sixpence per Ton shall be allowed in future on the quantity brought up by each of them.
Resolved that in future the Tonnage on round Timber be charged the same as on Poles.
The following Bills were ordered to be paid: £ s d
Mess^rs Bernan & Washbourn for Wine: 7..4..0
General Assemblies: 7..9..11
M^r H^y Harrison Mason: 10..2..3
Hoskins Smith's Work: 1..4..9
G Pearce Road Stone: 1..19..3
Martin Collett for Plank: 1..4..0

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