Minutes Wed 18 Feb 1857

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Wed 18 Feb 1857


John Scandrett Harford and William Henry Harford claimed shares nos.23,24,25,95, will of Charles Gray Harford.
Mr Markham claimed reduction on tonnage from 4d to 3d on iron ore carried from newly discovered mines near Seend, Wiltshire, down canal from Wallbridge to the junction with G&B Canal or to the Severn at Framilode. Reduction made – new trade, system of back carriage on coals carried up Navigation and others brought from Staffordshire.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18th day of February 1857
Present: M^r C Hawker, M^r W^m Fryer Chairman, F Eycott, R^d Martin, J H Warman, N S Marling, G H A Beard, T C Croome, H^y Harris.
M^r N A Partridge of Wallbridge in the Parish of Painswick in the County of Gloucester Clerk to the Stroudwater Navigation attended on behalf of John Scandrett Harford Esquire of Blaise Castle and William Henry Harford Esquire of Barley Wood in the County of Somerset and made out their Claim as Administrators to the Good Chattels & Credits of their Brother Charles Gray Harford Esquire late of Frenchay in the County of Gloucester deceased to four Shares numbered 23, 24, 25 & 95 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Charles Gray Harford Esq^re deceased in the Books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing Letters of Administration of the Goods Chattels rights of Credit of the said Charles Gray Harford bearing the date the third day of March 1856 and granted to the said John Scandrett Harford and William Henry Harford by the Prerogative Court of the Arch Bishop of Canterbury and also a Declaration by the said W^m H Harford one of the said Administrators that the said four Titles or Tickets were lost or mislaid. And the Claim of the said J Scandrett Harford and W^m H^y Harford as Administrators as aforesaid is admitted accordingly and new Tickets ordered to be made out.
A letter from M^r Taunton to M^r Partridge dated the 3^rd Feb^ry 1857 was read in reference to M^r Cole's application for a reduction of Tonnage accompanied by a copy of the resolution of the Committee of Management of the Thames & Severn Canal in which that Committee declines to make any further reduction.
An application from M^r Markham was considered for a reduction of the Tonnage from 4^d to 3^d on Iron Ore carried from the newly discovered mines near Seend down this Canal from Wallbridge to the Junction with the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal or the Severn at Framilode.
Ordered that the proposed reduction be made because the trade is entirely new and opens a system of back carriage both on coals carried up the Navigation and others brought from Staffordshire.
Bills ordered to be paid viz: £ s d
Mess^rs W^m Jones & Son for Ford's Lieby: 90..0..0
Elliott & Restall Stationery: 6..5..5
H^y Dangerfield Ironmonger: 5..2..2
W^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 1..0..0

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