Fri 23 Oct 1857
General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £2030 13s 6d. After wages, etc, £1431 13s 6d profit. Dividend of £7 declared.
Mileage based tonnage on coal to be charged from 1 November, providing no increase is made in any tonnage at present charged for coals.
Merchandise sent from the railway at Stonehouse to be charged at one uniform rate.
At a General Half Yearly Meeting of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Friday the 23^d day of October 1857
Sam^l S Marling Eq^re in the Chair.
The Minutes of the last General Assembly were read approved and confirmed.
The several Books and Accounts were produced as directed by the Act of Parliament and were examined and passed.
It appears that the sum of 2030^£..12^s..6^d has been received for Tonnage,. etc, from the 1^st day of April last to the 1^st day of October, part of which has been applied towards the payment of Wages Disbursements, Etc, and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer after paying the last Dividend the sum of 1431^£..13^s..6^d.
Ordered that a Dividend of Seven pounds on each Share be declared payable on the first day of November next.
Resolved that the report of the Committee be adopted and acted on & the Tonnage therein mentioned be charged on and from the 1^st Nov^r next but notwithstanding the adoption of the report no increase be made in any of the Tonnages at present charged on Coals.
Resolved that one uniform rate of 8^d per Ton be charged on Merchandize carried to and from the Midland Railway to or from any part of the Canal.
A Suggestion from the Treasurer for a mode of paying the Dividends by cheque was considered & adopted & this form of dividend payment was agreed to & approved.