Minutes Wed 20 Jan 1858

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Wed 20 Jan 1858


Agreement on the new weir at the Oil Mills signed by Mr Lane.
Mr Woodicark complained of an obstruction at Gas Works Bridge.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of January 1858
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r W^m Fryer Chairman, F Eycott, G H A Beard, R^d Martin, H^y Harris, C Hawker, T C Croome, N S Marling.
A Letter from Mess^rs Ford Brothers was read putting off their decision about the road for a month.
An Agreement with M^r Lane signed by him in duplicate for carrying into effect the resolutions of the last Meeting relative to the intended new Weir at the Oil Mills signed by M^r Lane was produced and approved and it was ordered that the common Seal of the Company be affixed to the said Agreement and the said Seal was accordingly affixed to the said Duplicate Agreements.
A Letter from M^r Woodward was read complaining of an obstruction at the Gas Works Bridge.
Resolved that M^r Partridge reply to the letter saying that the Company do not admit the right which he claims yet from a desire to accommodate they will give such orders as they hope will modify similar inconveniences for the future.
Ordered that the following Bills and Accounts be paid:
Income Tax: 52^£..2^s..8^d
M^r J C Croome Law Expenses: 16..9..8
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary: 10..0..0
J Elliott Stationery: 11..7..8
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 5..18..0
T Lidiatt Pargester: 1..12..6
Wm Hobbs Smith's Work: 1..1..0
Ja^s Butt Locks: 0..5..6
S & W Harrison Masonry: 1..1..7
D^l Hoskins Smith's Work: 1..0..8
G Pitt Carpenter: 0..16..6
T & S Budding Plumbers: 0..13..7
T Webb Timber: 0..9..0
T Neate Pargester: 0..8..6

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