Minutes Wed 17 Feb 1858

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Wed 17 Feb 1858


Mr George of Stonehouse to be given notice to quit on 19 September.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of February 1858
Present: M^r C Hawker, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, F Eycott, H^y Harris, W^m Fryer, N S Marling, J H Warman, T C Croome.
Ordered that M^r Partridge give M^r J George of Stonehouse notice to quit his premises on the 29^th day of September next.
Bills and Accounts ordered to be paid: £ s d
M^r Dan^l Hewlett Plumber, etc: 4..6..7
J Ferrabee & C^o Iron Work: 0..19..1
Ja^s Butt Locks: 0..4..3
J Andrews Smith's Work: 0..10..7

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