Minutes Tue 20 Dec 1859

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Tue 20 Dec 1859


Subscription of 2 guineas to be given to the Stroud Coal Fund.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th day of December 1859
Present: M^r N S Marling, M^r H Harris Chairman, T M Croome, C Hooper, G H A Beard, F Eycott, J H Warman, C Hawker.
Ordered that a Subscription of Two Guineas be paid to the Stroud Coal Fund for the present season.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid:
N A Partridge Quarters Salary due 25^th Dec^r: 30..-..-
N Driver Quarters Salary due 25^th Dec^r: 20..-..-
J Burbidge 2 Months Salary due 20^th Nov^r: 10..-..-
J French Window Blinds: 0..10..-
N A Partridge Petty Cash Stationery: 1..1..3
J Rowles Bricks: 16..16..0
S Wallis Coping Stone: 6..7..6
T Spire Timber: 2..16..0
J Andrews Smith's Work: 1..4..6
J George Timber: 0..17..9
D Hoskins Smith's Work: 1..1..6
T Neate Pargester: 0..6..0

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