Minutes Tue 19 Feb 1861

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Tue 19 Feb 1861


Revd. Robert Wedgewood claimed shares nos.41,121, will of Thomas Josiah Wedgewood.
Deed of exchange with Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co of lands at Junction.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of February 1861
Present: M^r F Eycott, Capt^n C H Fisher Chairman, J H Warman, M^r T M Croome, H Harris, C Hawker.
M^r Henry Harris of Cainscross Solicitor attended on behalf of the Rev^d Robert Wedgwood Clerk of Dumbleton in the County of Gloucester and made out his Claim as Administrator of the Will annexed of Thomas Josiah Wedgwood late of Tenby in the County of Pembroke Esquire Lieutenant Colonel in her Majesty's Service deceased to two Shares numbered respectively 121 and 141 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Thomas Josiah Wedgwood deceased in the books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the letters of Administration with the Will annexed of the said Thomas Josiah Wedgwood bearing date the 21^st day of October 1847 granted by the Principal Registry of Her Majesty's Court of Probate on the 17^th day of December 1860 and also producing the Tickets or Titles to the said Shares and the Claim was admitted accordingly and new Tickets were ordered to be made out.
The Common Seal of the Company was affixed to the Deed of Exchange with the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Company of the Lands at the Junction.
The following Bills were ordered to be paid: £ s d
W^m Knee Road Stone: 10..13..3
J^s Nurse Road Stone: 2..15..5
J Burrows Plumber: 7..17..0
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 5..0..0

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