Tue 16 Jul 1861
Joseph Timbrell Fisher claimed shares nos.75,116, will of Samuel Fisher.
Agreement with Mr James Nurse for letting his house and garden at Dudbridge. He claimed to be allowed to remove the shed at Dudbridge Wharf put up by him. Claim not allowed. Mr Nurse agreed not to remove shed.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of July 1861
Present: M^r F Eycott, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, J H Warman, T M Croome, H Harris, T Marling, C Hawker.
Paul Hawkins Fisher Esquire of Stroud in the County of Gloucester attended on behalf of himself and Joseph Timbrell Fisher Esquire also of Stroud in the above named County and made out their Claim as Executors under the Will of the late Samuel Fisher of Stroud in the said County of Gloucester Esquire deceased to two Shares numbered respectively 75 and 116 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Sam^l Fisher deceased in the books of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation by producing the Probate of the Will of the said Sam!l Fisher deceased bearing date of the 20^th day of March 1849 and proved in the district Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate at Gloucester on the 10^th day of June 1861 and also producing the Tickets or Titles of the said Shares and the Claim was admitted accordingly.
An agreement with M^r James Nurse for letting the houses and garden at Dudbridge in accordance with the Minute of the last Meeting was read and approved of. M^r Nurse attended and stated that the Shed on the Wharf though included in the agreement had been put up by him and he claimed to be allowed to remove it.
The Committee considered that under the circumstance of their having forgiven M^r Nurse a portion of the rent due from him at the time of his failure the claim ought not to be pressed and M^r Nurse assented to this and agreed not to remove the Shed accordingly.
Ordered that the next monthly Meeting of the Committee be held on Wednesday the 14^th August next on board the Company's Boat at Wallbridge at 9 AM to proceed thence to survey the Canal.
Ordered that the following bills be paid: £ s d
J Elliott Stationery: 16..0..11
H^y Howell Smith's Work: 14..17..0
Price & C^o Timber: 15..5..9
H^y Harrison Mason: 6..9..0
J Andrews Smith's Work: 1..1..2
B Bryant: 1..1..3