Sat 25 Apr 1863
Adjourned General Meeting.
If Mr Bruce’s proposal can be affected by the proposers of the bill the canal company could avoid further opposition in Parliament to Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway. Railway Company to construct and give Canal Company a liebye of not less than 200 feet and a siding in connection to proposed railway, and to maintain it; to give Canal Company at least double quantity of land taken from present wharf, on south side of siding. Works to be done at expense of Railway Company, as compensation for passing through the Wharf. Canal Company to afford Railway Company facilities for constructing lieby and wharf.
At an Adjourned General Meeting of the Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee at Wallbridge on Saturday the 15^th day of April 1863 to consider the proposal of the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Company with reference to Stonehouse Wharf and the continuance or withdrawal of further Opposition to their Bill
Present: M^r G C Harris, M^r R^d H Carter, H Harris, E^d A Burgh, H H Wilton, G H A Beard, T Marling, J H Warman, C Hawker, F S Thornton, C H Fisher, C Hooper, W W Kearsey, J T Fisher, E C Little, R^d Lacey.
M^r Thomas Marling in the Chair.
A letter from M^r Bruce the Engineer to the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway dated 24^th Instant and accompanied by a tracing of Stonehouse Wharf and adjoining land was read, and the matter fully discussed.
Resolved that if a satisfactory arrangement can be effected between the Company and the promoters of the proposed Line, it will be desirable that such arrangement should be effected so as to avoid any further opposition in Parliament.
Resolved that it is the opinion of this Meeting that the following principles should be laid down as the basis of such arrangements, namely,
The Railway Company to construct and give to the Canal Company a lie bye of not less than 200 feet in length, as shown on M^r Bruce's plan produced at their Meeting and signed by the Chairmann, and to carry to such lie bye a siding in connected with the proposed Railway as also shown on that plan, and to maintain it permanently in repair, and to give the Canal Company at least double the quantity of land taken from their present Wharf, as Shewn in Pink on M^r Bruce's plan -- such land to be the whole of the South Side of the proposed Siding, whether more or less, and if less the remainder to be given in a straight line to the West Side of the Wharf, but still on the South Side of the Main Line of Railway.
All the works to be done at the Expence of the Railway Company to the Satisfaction of the Engineed of the Canal Company.
The lie bye and siding and land to be considered as Compensation for passing through the Wharf, and the Canal Company to afford the Railway Company necessary facilities for constructing the lie bye and siding.
Resolved that the following gentlemen be appointed a Committee to settle the details of this arrangement, and to arrange the other Clauses proposed for the protection of the Company's interests, and upon their having the arrangements come to secured, and by the Bill if practicable, the opposition to its passing be withdrawn, namely:
M^r Hooper, M^r Lacey, M^r Beard, M^r Warman, Capt^n Fisher
any three of them to be a quorum.