Tue 16 Jun 1863
Messrs. S S Marling & Co. could not dispense with coal wharf at Ryeford.
Agreement with Mr Sims re valve and culvert at Framilode approved.
House at Newtown, Eastington, lately occupied by John Clark, to be taken by company off Mr Charles Hooper at rent of £5 5s 0d per year for residence of lock keeper.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of June 1863
Present: M^r F Eycott, M^r T M Croome Chairman, J H Warman, H Harris, C Hawker, C H Fisher.
Mess^rs S S Marling & C^o having been applied to on the _subject of the Coal Wharf_ occupied by them at the Ryeford with reference to _Mess^rs Ford's application at the last Committee_ Meeting and having stated that they cannot dispense with it,
Resolved that Mess^rs Ford be informed that their proposal cannot be entertained.
The Draft of an Agreement with M^r Sims in conformity with the Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 20^th January last respecting the Valve and Culvert at Framilode was submitted to this Meeting and approved of and the Seal of the Company ordered to be affixed to the Agreement when approved of by M^r Sim's Solicitor.
Resolved that the house at Newtown, Eastington lately occupied by John Clack be taken by the Company of M^r Charles Hooper the owner from Midsummer next by the year at a rent of £5..5..0 of the residence of a Lock Keeper.
Resolved that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
N A Partridge Quarter's Salary due 24 Ins't: 30..0..0
N Driver Quarter's Salary due 24 Ins't: 20..0..0
J Burbidge Quarter's Salary due 20 Ins't: 15..0..0
S Ford Smith's Work: 13..19..10
H Mabbett Carpenter: 7..1..3
R^d Vick Mud Spoon: 3..10..0
S Nichols Smith's Work: 2,,11,,4
D^l Hoskins Smith's Work: 0..2..10
D Wheeler & C^o Wine: 7..14..0