Minutes Tue 25 Aug 1863

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Tue 25 Aug 1863


Annual inspection on the Company’s Boat.
Works found in good order.
Cottage and garden adjoining Josh Cottle’s to be let to Mrs Nurse at £6 6s per annum.
Small triangular piece of ground adjoining Mr Hooper’s premises on Canal bank at Eastington to be let to him at 1s a year and he be allowed to fence it off by a fence or wall to belong to the Company.
Next Committee meeting to decide whether house on wharf at Bristol Road be in future occupied as a Beer House.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Tuesday the 25^th day of August 1863
Present: M^r T M Croome, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, H Harris, C Hooper, J H Warman.
The Committee met at Wallbridge and proceeded down the Canal on their annual Tour of Inspection.
The works generally were found to be in good order and condition.
Resolved that the Cottage and Garden adjoining Jos^h Cottle's be let to M^rs Nurse as a Yearly Tenant at £6,,6 per annum from Michaelmas next - also that the small triangular piece of ground adjoining M^r Hooper's premises on the Canal bank at Eastington be let to M^r Hooper as a yearly Tenant at 1^s/ a year and he be allowed to fence it off by a wall or otherwise, the fence or wall to belong to the Company. Also that it be referred to the next Committee to decide whether the house on the Wharf at Bristol Road be in future occupied as a Beer House or not.
M^r Burbidge's books were looked into at Framilode and it appeared that a more correct system had been pursued there in consequence of the suggestions of the Committee.
Orders were given on various points requiring attention.
Ordered that a return be made of the Company's Income for the purpose of Income Tax for the year ending 5^th April last at the sum of £3951..7..6.

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