Minutes Tue 15 Dec 1863

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Tue 15 Dec 1863


Arrear of rent due from Stroud Gas Company and repairs of bridge at the Gas Works again considered. Gas Company to be charged twenty pounds for arrears of rent and £44 7s 1d for half cost of erecting new bridge completed in August last.
Draft of grant from Company to the Stroud Gas Company of rights at present exercised under lease of 19 December 1833 in perpetuity, in lieu of 1000 years granted by that lease was gone through and approved, subject to corrections. Public seal of Company to be affixed to grant and exchanged for similar one under seal of Gas Company. Present lease to be surrendered.
Messrs. Hunt & Co. agreed to pay yearly acknowledgement for use of water from canal.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 15^th day of December 1863
Present: M^r H Harris, M^r C H Fisher Chairman, J H Warman, G H A Beard, C Hawker, T M Croome, C Hooper.
The subject of the arrear of Rent due from the Stroud Gas Company to this Company and of the repairs of the Bridge at the Gas Works was again taken into consideration. Resolved that the Gas Company be charged the sum of Twenty Pounds for arrears of Rent to the 29^th September last and the sum of £44..7..1 for half the cost of erecting the new Bridge completed in August last according to the terms of the Lease, and that application be made to them accordingly.
The Draft of a grant from this Company to the Stroud Gas Company of the rights at present exercised under the Lease of 19^th December 1833 in perpetuity in lieu of the term of 1000 years granted by that Lease was gone through and approved of subject to such corrections as were pointed out and it was ordered that the public Seal of the Company be affixed to the Grant and exchanged for a similar one under the Seal of the Gas Company - and that the present Lease be surrendered.
A Letter was read from Mess^r Hunt & C^o acquiescing in the resolution passed by the Committee on the 27^th October last respecting the payment of a yearly acknowledgement for the use of water from this Canal as specified in that resolution.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid:
Income Tax: 57^£..12^s..5^d
N A Partridge Quarter's Salary due 24 Ins't: 30..-..-
N Driver Quarter's Salary due 24 Ins't: 20..-..-
J Burbidge Quarter's Salary due 24 Ins't: 15..0..0

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