Minutes Tue 19 Jan 1864

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Tue 19 Jan 1864


Mr Aaron Ford attended and renewed application to have wharf at Ryeford now occupied by Messrs. S S Marling & Co. for purpose of erecting warehouse on same terms named in verbal application of Mr G Ford. Requested to send in written application.
Gas Company paid the £64 7s 0d demanded by Committee.
£2 to be given to Stroud Coal Fund.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 19^th day of January 1864
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r H H Wilton Chairman, F Eycott, G H A Beard, T M Croome.
M^r A^n Ford attended and renewed his application to have the Wharf at the Ryeford now occupied by Mess^rs S S Marling & C^o for the purpose of erecting a Warehouse upon the same terms as named in the verbal application of M^r G Ford May 19^th 1863 - and he was requested to send in a written application to be submitted to a future Committee.
Resolved that the Clerk summon a Committee when such application be received and that M^r S S Marling be requested to attend.
M^r Partridge reported that the Gas Company had paid £64..7..0 as demanded by this Company at the last Committee Meeting.
Ordered that £2 be given to the Stroud Coal Fund.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
J Burrows Pargester: 15..18..4
H Howell Smith's Work: 6..1..8
J Elliott Stationery: 11..4..10
C Harrison Mason: 2..14..5
R^d Williams Stone: 1..5..2
W^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 0..18..6
N A Partridge Petty Cash: 2..8..9

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