Minutes Tue 16 Feb 1864

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Tue 16 Feb 1864


Special General Meeting to elect a solicitor to the Company.
Mr J H Warman as solicitor, proposed by Mr G H A Beard, seconded by Mr T S Thornton. Mr Joshua Timbrell Fisher Jnr. proposed as member of Committee by Mr G H A Beard, seconded by Mr Joshua Timbrell Fisher Senior. Mr William Woodruffe Kearsey proposed as member of Committee by Mr T S Thornton, seconded by Mr Samuell Phipps. All unanimously elected.

Verbatim text

At a Special General Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 16^th day of February 1864 for the purpose of electing a Solicitor to the Company, and for electing two Members of the Committee and also general business.
Present: M^R J H Warman, M^r R^d Lacey, W W Kearsey, S^l Phipps, F S Thornton, J^h Bellamy, G H A Beard, J F Fisher Jr, J T Fisher, P H Fisher, J C Little, C H Fisher, Miss F M Hawker
M^r P H Fisher in the Chair.
Before proceeding with the election of a Solicitor the General Meeting expressed its great regret at having been deprived of the valuable services of the late M^r Harris in that capacity.
M^r J H Warman was proposed to be Solicitor to the Company by M^r G H A Beard and seconded by M^r F Sedgewick Thornton.
M^r Jos^h Timbrel Fisher Jr was proposed as a Member of the Committee by M^r G H A Beard and seconded by M^r Jos^h Timbrell Fisher S^r.
M^r W^m Woodruffe Kearsey was proposed as a Member of the Committee by M^r F S Thornton and Seconded by M^r Sam^l Phipps - And they were all unanimously elected.

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