Tue 26 Apr 1864
Sophia Mary Harris claimed share no.21, will of Henry Harris.
Record of letter received from Messrs. Ford, offering to pay half the cost of Mr Marling’s new coal yard on condition that when their account with the Canal Co. exceeded £600 per annum, the surplus, if any by them to be given back. Also offered to make road and yard on various conditions.
Lease to Messrs. Ford of land at the Ryeford produced.
No vessel to be tarred on canal above Whitminster Level.
Stroud Gas company requested to prevent gas tar from being dropped or spilt into canal at their works.
Owing to continued ill health Mr Driver was unable to inspect the works of the canal. Assistance to be granted him.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 26^th day of April 1864
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r G H A Beard Chairman, C Hawker, J T Fisher Jr, W W Kearsey, C Hooper, F Eycott.
The various accounts Books and Vouchers signed by M^r Cooper the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced examined and passed.
The Treasurer's book was produced examined and signed.
M^r J H Warman of Ebley House near Stroud in the County of Gloucester Solicitor attended on behalf of Sophia Mary Harris late of Downfield by now of Stonehouse both in the County of Gloucester Widow Executrix named in the Will of Henry Harris late of Downfield aforesaid Solicitor deceased and made out the Claim of the said Sophia Mary Harris to one Share numbered 21 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said Henry Harris in the books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the Probate of the Will of the said H Harris bearing date the 5^th day of February 1857 and proved in the District Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate at Gloucester on the 16^th day of March 1864 and producing the Ticket or Title to the said Share and the Claim was admitted accordingly and a new Ticket ordered to be made out.
A Letter from Mess^rs Ford date 30^th March 1864 of which the following is a Copy was produced.
"We hereby offer to pay half the amount of M^r Drew's estimate or M^r Marling's new Coal Yard on condition that when our account with the Canal C^o shall exceed per annum the surplus, if any, of one or more years to the amount of half of the money paid by us to be given back. We also offer to make the road, and Yard, according to M^r Marling's specification for the sum of twenty pounds, and pay half the money, and have one fourth returned as above. Or we offer to complete the whole for the sum of £160, or find an independent contractor to do it and pay half the money without conditions as above. Signed Ford Brothers"
Resolved that the terms of the former part of such letter be accepted.
A Lease to Mess^rs Ford of the piece of land at the Ryeford part of which has been used as a Coal Pen by Mess^rs Marling & C^o was produced.
Resolved that the Seal of this Company be affixed to the same.
Resolved that no Vessel be allowed to be tarred on this Canal above Whiteminster Level and the the Stroud Gas Company be requested to take measures to prevent Gas Tar from being dropped or split into the Canal at their works.
A Letter from M^r Driver was read stating that owing to continues ill health he was unable to inspect the works of the Canal.
Resolved that assistance be granted him.
Ordered that the following Accounts be paid:
Income Tax: 28..16..3
R^d Whittard: 20..0..0
G Perry: 20..0..0