Minutes Thu 25 Aug 1864

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Thu 25 Aug 1864


Annual inspection on Company’s Boat.
Emily Hannah Duberly, William Duberly, William Fowler claimed shares nos.16,17,51,82,83, will of James Duberly.
Piling on south side of the Wallbridge Wharf adjoining brook to be repaired where necessary.
New paddle and frame to be put in at Fromehall and gate repaired.
Mud on each side of canal opposite Gas Works to be cleared out.
Piling on north side of Dudbridge Wharf adjoining canal to be repaired where necessary and garden fence repaired.
Swing poles provided by late surveyor for one pair of gates at the Double Lock to be put in.
Footbridge at Ryeford repaired.
Committee inspected alterations made near Messrs. Ford’s mill by widening canal and throwing back towing path. Ground given up for this by Messrs. Ford in exchange for ground belonging to Company and retaining wall built by Messrs. Ford at their own expense.
Surveyor to require Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company to continue wall between towing path and canal at bridge being erected over canal 10 yards further towards Ryeford.
Bond’s Mill Bridge to be repaired.
New gates for erection in lieu of bottom gates of top lock of the five locks.
Surveyors to stop the leakages in the gates of the bottom lock of the five till new gates put in.
Lock gates at Bristol Road to be faced and leakages stopped.
Paper Mill locks and bridge to be repaired.
Mr Ball’s, coroner, letter read. Surveyor ordered to make necessary fence at place referred to prevent future accidents.
Mr Edward Peyton’s salary to be increased to £80 a year with house and garden at Eastington occupied by Mr Driver deceased. Land retained by Company.
Thos. Coates fined 2s 6d for working Mr Knee’s vessel the ‘Lewis’ without a fender or full penalty of 20s to be enforced.
Chas. Watts of boat ‘Ann’ fined 10s or full penalty of £5 for refusing to show Mr Peyton his ticket and further £5 for navigating with only two hands.
Clerk to write to T. Wakeman and require him to pay 2s 6d for entering the Blunder Lock by his vessel pushing the gates of said lock open.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held on board the Company's Boat on Thursday the 25^th da of August 1864
Present: M^r J H Warman, M^r C Hooper Chairman, W W Kearsey, J T Fisher, C Hawker, G H A Beard.
The Committee met at Wallbridge and proceeded down the Canal on their annual Tour of Inspection.
M^r J H Warman of Ebley House near Stroud in the County of Gloucester attended on behalf of Emily Hannah Duberly, William Duberly and William Fowler acting Executrix and Executors under the Will of James Duberly of Gaynes Hall in the County of Huntindon Esquire deceased and made out the Claim of the said E H Duberly, W^m Duberky and W^m Fowler to five Shares numbered 16, 17, 51, 82 and 83 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation lately belonging to and now standing in the name of the said James Duberly deceased in the books of the said Company of Proprietors by producing the Probate in Duplicate of the Will of the said Ja^s Duberly deceased bearing date the 1^st day of February 1865 and proved in the District Registry of her Majesty's Court of Probate at Peterborough the first Grant thereof being made to the said W^m Fowker the 28^th day of March 1864 and the second Grant thereof being made to the said E H Duberly and W^m Duberly the 19^th day of April 1864 and producing the Tickets or Titles of the said Shares and the Claim was admitted accordingly and new Tickets ordered to be made out.
Ordered that the Piling on the South side of Wallbridge Wharf adjoining the brook to be repaired where necessary.
Ordered that a new paddle and frame be put in at Fromehall and the Gate repaired.
Ordered that the mud on each side of the Canal opposite the Gas Works be cleared out.
Ordered that the piling on the North side of Dudbridge Wharf adjoining the Canal be repaired where necessary, and that the garden fence adjoining the said Wharf be repaired. ~~~ Ordered that the swing poles provided by the late Surveyor for one pair of Gates at the Double Lock be put in. ~~~ Ordered that the foot bridge at Ryeford be repaired.
The Committee inspected the alterations made near Mess^rs Ford Mill by widening the Canal and throwing back the Towing path the ground necessary for doing this having been given up by Mess^rs Ford in exchange for other ground belonging to this Company and Mess^rs Ford having built at their own expense a retaining Wall between the Towing path and the Canal.
Ordered that the Surveyor do require the Stonehouse and Nailsworth Railway Company to continue the Wall between the Towing path and the Canal at the Bridge now being erected over the Canal at Stonehouse ten yards further towards Ryeford.
Ordered that Bonds Mill bridge be repaired.
Ordered that the Surveyor do prepare new Gates for erection in lieu of the bottom gates of the top Lock of the five Locks.
Ordered that the Surveyor do stop the leakage in the Gates of the bottom Lock of the five till the new Gates already prepared for erection can be put in and that new Sills be put in when such Gates are erected.
Ordered that the Lock Gates at Bristol Road be faced and leakages stopped.
Ordered that the Paper Mill Locks and Bridge be repaired.
M^r Bulls (Coroner) letter of the 26^th Ins't was read and the Surveyor ordered to make the necessary fence at the place referred to in such letter to prevent future accidents there.
Stoppage of the Towing path and use of the same by the Public ordered to take place on the 26^th September next.
Resolved that M^r Edw^d Peyton's Salary be increased to £80 a year with the house and garden at Eastington lately occupied by M^r N Driver deceased subject to the same notice of dismissal as agreed on at the time M^r Peyton was appointed Deputy Surveyor and it is further resolved that the land lately occupied by M^r N Driver shall be retained by the Company to be dealt with as the Committee may hereafter determine.
Tho^s Coates ordered to be fined 2^s/6^d for working M^r Knee's vessel the Lewis without a fender or the full penalty of 20^s/ to be enforced against him,
Cha^s Watts of the Boat Ann to be fined 10^s/ or the full Penalty of £5 for refusing to show M^r Peyton his Ticket and also the further Penalty of £5 for navigating his vessel with only 2 hands to be enforced against him.
Ordered that the Clerk do write to S Wakeman & require him to pay 2/6 for entering the Blunder Lock by his vessel pushing the gates of the said Lock open.

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