Minutes Tue 17 Jan 1865

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Tue 17 Jan 1865


Mr Ward allowed to weigh his coal on weighing machine at Dudbridge Wharf for another six months, free of charge.
Letter from Mr Hunt respecting sluice at Lodgemore and inconvenience arising from overflow of water from Mr Lane’s brook near his mill. Mr Warman to arrange a remedy for the grievance.
£2 to be given to Stroud Coal Fund.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 17^th day of January 1865
Present: M^r F Eycott, M^r C Hooper Chairman, J H Warman, J T Fisher, H H Wilton, W W Kearsey, G H A Beard, T M Croome, C H Fisher.
Ordered that M^r T Ward be allowed to weigh his Coal on our Weighing Machine at Dudbridge Wharf another six Months free of charge.
An application was made by M^r Hunt respecting the sluice at Lodgemore and the inconvenience arising from the overflow of water from M^r Lane's brook near his Mill.
Ordered that M^r Warman wait on M^r Hunt to make some arrangement to remedy the grievance complained of.
Orderd that £2 be given to the Stroud Coal Fund.
Bills ordered to be paid: £ s d
J Elliott Printing, books, etc. 9..14..0
T Liddiatt Plasterer: 1..0..5
J Apperly & C^o Castings: 0..8..3
Stroud Gas C^o Tar: 0..3..4
H Brocher Old Boat: 3..0..0
W^m Hobbs Smith's Work: 1..1..0
M^r J H Warman one half expenses of Lease and Exchange of Land with Mess^rs Ford: 13..9..8

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