Tue 18 Jul 1865
Necessity of preventing flow of sewage or impure water into canal and abstraction of water from canal. Surveyor to make survey and full report to Committee.
At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 18^th day of July 1865
Present: M^r F Eycott, C H Fisher Chairman, J H Warman, W W Kearsey, H H Wilton, J T Fisher, G H A Beard, C Hooper.
The attention of the Committee was called to the necessity of preventing the flow of Sewage or impure water into the Canal and also of preventing the abstraction of water from the Canal.
Resolved that the Surveyor make a careful survey of the whole Canal, and ascertain where there may be any cause of complaint as to Sewage or impure water flowing into the Canal, and also all instances of water being abstracted from the Canal and make a full report in writing to the Committee on both these matters.
Ordered that the next monthly Meeting of the Committee be held on Thursday the 17^th day of August on board the Company's Boat at 9 o'clock AM to proceed down to survey the Canal.
Bill ordered to be paid: £ s d
J Elliott Stationery: 8..7..3