Minutes Tue 24 Oct 1865

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Tue 24 Oct 1865


Resolution re charging 4d per ton on Bullo Household Coal rescinded.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 24^th day of October 1865
Present: M^r J H Warman, G H A Beard Chairman, F Eycott, J T Fisher, H H Wilton, T M Croome, C Hooper, C H Fisher, W W Kearsey.
The various Accounts Books and Vouchers signed by M^r Coley the Auditor and certified to be correct were produced examined and passed.
The Treasurer's Book was produced examined and signed.
Resolved that the Resolution of September 19^th for landing Bullo Household Coal at Downfield Wharf at 4^d per Ton be rescinded.
Bill ordered to be paid:
Income Tax: 31..19..4

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