Minutes Tue 20 Mar 1866

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Tue 20 Mar 1866


On 3 March J Tanner, captain of the ‘Sarah’, passed out of lock at Westfield without properly opening gates with only 2 hands. Fine of 5s. Clerk to inform Mr Sims, owner of vessel.
Towing path between Messrs. Ford’s mill and bridge at Ryeford to be properly remade.
Clerk to inform G Williams that master of his boat the ‘Ann’, placed road stone on part of Dudbridge Wharf. Fine for repeat.
J Butt to be fined if he again places his stones contrary to directions.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Tuesday the 20^th of March 1866
Present: M^r S Phipps, C H Fisher Chairman, J H Warman, T M Croome, F S Thornton.
M^r Peyton reported that on March 3^d J Tanner the Captain of the Sarah passed out of the Lock at Westfield without properly opening the Lock Gates and with only 2 hands.
Ordered that the Captain be fined 5^s/ and that the Clerk inform M^r Sims the Owner of the Vessel of the said infringement of the Law.
Ordered that the Towing Path between Mess^rs Fords Mill and the Bridge at Ryeford be properly remade.
Ordered that the Clerk write to G Williams informing him that the Master of his Boat the Ann placed Road Stone on a part of Dudbridge Wharf contrary to the directions of the Wharfinger and that should he do so again he will be fined; and also that J Butt be informed that he will be fined should he again place his staves contrary to directions upon the said Wharf.
Ordered that the General Half Yearly Meeting be held on Thursday the 26^th day of April next at 2 o'clock and that the Clerk do give the usual Notices and that the Meeting of the Committee be held on the same day at 12.30 o'clock.
Ordered that the following Bills be paid: £ s d
M^r N A Partridge 1 Quarter's Salary due 25 Ins't: 30..0..0
E Peyton 1 Quarter's Salary due 25 Ins't: 20..0..0
M N Peyton 1 Quarter's Salary due 25 Ins't: 15..0..0
W Coley ½ year Auditing: 7..17..6
O Cam Mason: 18..14..5
W Savory & Sons Smiths Work: 14..5..3
H Howell Smiths Work: 3..19..0
W Hobbs: 0..16..0
M^rs J Lewis Chains & Screws: 6..11..0

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