Minutes Wed 20 Mar 1867

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Wed 20 Mar 1867


Re coal trade from Stonehouse Wharf our Counsel Mr J L Lloyd, consulted. Mr Kearsey to press Mr Allport, manager of Midland Railway, for definite communication on subject to reduce tonnage to proper amount provided for by Act viz. 1d per ton per mile.
Ryeford Wharf to be raised; estimated cost £24 3s.
Messrs. C Hooper & Co. asked for loan of Company’s pump. Charge of £2 2s and men’s wages.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee Room at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20th day of March 1867
Present: M^r G H A Beard, T M Croome Chairman, S Phipps, C H Fisher, F S Thornton, W W Kearsey, J C Hallewell.
The Sub Committee appointed at the last Meeting to consider the matters as to the Coal Trade for Stonehouse Wharf, having deemed it desirable to procure the Opinion of Counsel, the same was obtained from M^r J H Lloyd, and M^r Kearsey produced and read the Case, and Opinion, and also, his correspondence with M^r Allport, the Traffic Manager of the Midland Railway -- but no satisfactory reply from M^r Allport having been received, the matter was allowed to stand over, M^r Kearsey being requested to press M^r Allport of a definite communication on the subject, in order that the Tonnage may be reduced to the proper amount provided for by the Act, viz, 1^d per Ton per Mile.
Ordered that a Stoppage of the Canal do take place from Tuesday 23^d April at 8 o'clock PM to May 1^st at 6 o'clock AM.
Ordered that the Clerk do inform M^r J S Harrison of this Stoppage that he may inspect the Lie Bye when the water is out and that the Clerk do also inform M^r G B Smith of this Stoppage.
Ordered that the Ryeford Wharf be raised according to the plan and Estimate of £24..3..0 produced by the Surveyor.
A Letter was read from Mess^rs C Hooper & C^o asking for the loan of the Company's Pump.
Ordered that the same be lent at a charge of £2..2..0 besides the mens' wages.
Ordered that the General Half Yearly Meeting be held on Thursday the 25^th day of April at 2 o'clock and that the Committee Meeting be held on the same day at 12.30.
Bills ordered to be paid: £ s d
N A Partridge's 1 Qrs Salary due March 25: 30..0..0
E Peyton 1 Qrs Salary due March 25: 27..10..0
M N Peyton 1 Qrs Salary due March 25: 15..0..0
W Coley ½ year Auditing: 7..17..6
H & J Bateman 3 doz^n Sherry: 6..6..0
Price & C^o Timber: 14..15..2
O Cam Mason: 34..1..11
Ja^s Trotman Timber: 26..13..6
Income Tax: 10..2..4
J H Warman Law Expenses: 21..0..4

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