Minutes Tue 10 Aug 1813

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Tue 10 Aug 1813


Sophia Battersby claimed shares nos.98,5,6,93,127,68, will of William Battersby.
Edward Browning, the bricklayer at Dudbridge Wharf, having left the Company’s service, notice is to be given him to quit the premises on or before Michaelmas next.

Verbatim text

At a Meeting of the Committee of the Stroudwater Navigation held at the Committee room at Walbridge on Tuesday the 10^th of Aug^t 1813
Present: Tho^s Holbrow, Nath Jones, Henry Eycott, John Holbrow, John Snowden.
Read the Minutes of the last Meeting.
M^r Hains attended on behalf of Sophia Battersby, Widow of the late W^m Battersby of the City of Bristol Esq^r deceased and made out her claim to Six Shares N^o 98, 5, 6, 93, 127. 68 in the Stroudwater Navigation late the Property of the said W^m Battersby by producing the Probate of the Will bearing Date the 4^th of Nov^r 1811 and duly proved in the Perogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury the 13^th May 1812, whereby it appears that the said Sophia Battersby is sole Executor of the said Will^m Battersby and her claim is hereby admitted.
Edward Browning the Bricklayer at Dudbridge Wharf having left the Companys service, Ordered that notice be given him to quit the Premises on or before Michaelmas next.
Adjoured this meeting to Monday the 11^th of Octo^r next at one o'Clock in the Afternoon at the Committee room at Walbridge.

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