Minutes Thu 19 Jul 1877

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Thu 19 Jul 1877


Mr Miles attended the committee on behalf of the Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company and applied for an allowance on a bill amounting to £68 11s 10d being half the cost for the new swing bridge erected near the Gas works. Clerk stated that there had been other expenses not included in the £68 11s 10d which balanced the amount due from this Company in respect to the half value of the old bridge. Clerk was instructed to send the Gas Company the particulars of the additional expenses but not to alter the bill already sent in.
The tender sent in for the new house to be erected at Wallbridge received from Messrs Harper Brothers amounting to £250 had been accepted.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 19^th day of July 1877 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr C H Hooper, Mr T M Croome, Mr S Phipps, Mr J T Fisher.
Mr Miles attended the Committee on behalf of the Stroud Gas Light and Coke Company and applied for an allowance on a bill amounting to £68..11..10 being half the cost for the new swing bridge erected near the Gas Works. The Clerk stated that there had been other expenses not included in the £68..11..10 which balanced the amount due from this Company in respect to the half value of the old bridge.
The Clerk was instructed to send the Gas Company the particulars of the additional expenses, but not to alter the bill already sent in.
[48] The sub-committee having met in compliance with the Resolution passed at the last Meeting reported that a Tender for the new house to be erected at Wallbridge & received from Messrs Harper Brothers amounting to £250 had been accepted.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Messrs Ford Bros: 6..16..8
Mr J Elliott 7,,6,,3
Cainscross Division of Roads: 20..0..0
[Total] £34..2..11

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