Minutes Thu 20 Jun 1878

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Thu 20 Jun 1878


Richard Denison Jones claimed share no.185, will of Rev David Jones.
Mr Edger Barnard of Ebley given permission for use of towpath on annual payment of 5s. paid in advance.
Mr Withey to be paid 12s. (6 yrs rent) for trespass on land to the Company’s paddles at Lodgemore Feeder.
Clerk to ask Mr T Marling to find out from Mr Lucy if traffic could pass up the G&B Canal from Sharpness to The Junction during the erection of the Severn Railway Bridge.
Clerk to purchase oak planking for New Swing Bridge near Mr Wilton’s.
Stroud Gas Co to be charged a reduction in tonnage for coke until the present stock is worked up.
Clerk to give up the Guarantee with the Guarantee Society, and that instead he place his share certificate in the hands of Mr Kingdom, the Treasurer.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 20^th day of June 1878 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr J T Stanton, Mr S Phipps, Mr E C Little, Mr T M Croome, Mr J T Fisher.
[32] Roland Denison Jones of Leonard Stanley in the County of Gloucester Esquire attended as sole executor of the Will of the Rev^d David Jones late of Leonard Stanley in he county of Gloster Clerk deceased who died on the 27^th day of March 1878 and made out his claim to one share numbered 185 of the Undertaking of the Stroudwater Navigation and now standing in the name of the said David Jones deceased in the Books of the said Company of Proprietors, by producing the Probate of the Will of the said David Jones deceased bearing date the 7^th day of October 1873 and proved in the District Registry of Her Majestys High Court of Justice at Gloucester on the 21^st day of May 1878, and the claim was admitted accordingly and a new ticket ordered to be made out on the ticket or title of the said David Jones deceased being delivered up.
[30] Mr Edger Barnard of Ebley applied for permission to take a truck along the Towing path between Ebley and Dudbridge Wharf.
Resolved that such permission be granted on payment of 5/- per annum paid in advance, first payment to be made on the 24^th June, on the understanding that such permission can be rescinded at any tome on Notice from the Company.
[30] Mr Whithey applied for payment of rent amounting to 12/- due from the Company (being 6 years rent die up to the 31^st July 1877) for trespass on land to the Cos paddles at Lodgemore Feeder.
Ordered that the same be paid.
[4] Several of the Traders on the Canal having made complaints respecting the Staging round the piers of the New Severn Railway Bridge at Sharpness stating that the same was in the way of the traffic, applied to this Company to take the matter in hand. The Clerk was directed to call on Mr T Marling and request him to see Mr Lucy and ask him if he could make some arrangement for the traffic to pass up the G&B Canal _free_ from Sharpness to the Junction, during the erection of the Bridge.
[34] The Clerk was instructed to purchase 500ft of 2½" oak for planking the New Swing Bridge to be erected near Mr Wiltons.
[38] The Stroud Gas Company applied for a reduction of tonnage on coke from the Gas Works until the present stock is worked up: Ordered that 2^d per ton instead of 4^d be charged during that time.
[20] The Clerks annual payment of £2..10..0 to the Guarantee Society for £200 was brought before the Committee and it was decided that he give up the Guarantee with the Society and that he place in the hands of Mr Kingdom the Treasure, as Security, a Share Certificate of which he is the owner.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
M N Peyton: 10..8..0
Mr F Evans: 70..0..0
C H Hooper Esq: 5..5..0
Vick Kydard & Co: 7..0..8
George Perry: 13..2..6
Charles Smith: 10..13..0
[Total] £153..19..2

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