Minutes Thu 19 Jun 1879

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Thu 19 Jun 1879


Company’s Seal to be attached to the demises of a Cottage at Bristol Road, tenant James Williams, and Downfield, tenant Henry Riley.
Clerk to request Mr Kearsey to write to Messrs E Stephens & Co asking for immediate payment of the tonnage account for April and May.
Clerk to write to Messrs Pooley & Son for an estimate for the erection of a new Weigh Bridge at Eastington Canal Wharf.
Mr James Webb, Coal Merchant of Chalford, be allowed to use a stable on Wallbridge Wharf at a rental of £3 p.a. subject to a quarter’s notice on either side, an Agreement to be drawn up.
Inspection of the canal from Wallbridge to Eastington by the Chairman and Mr Fisher on the 9th, and from Eastington to Framilode by the Chairman, Mr Hooper and Mr Marling on the 10th, found the stores, yard, buildings and canal works in good working order.
Ordered 4 new struts to the Crane on Wallbridge Wharf; spouting to be altered at the Cottage at Downfield; 66ft of ditch to be covered over near the new Lock House, Eastington; barge boards to be put to the 3 gable ends of the new Lock House at Eastington and 2 cottages at Bristol Road to be painted, whitewashed, lead windows taken out and replaced with wooden frames. The new swing bridge near Mr Wilton’s was inspected and passed; the slip at Framilode at the bottom of the Lock Keeper’s garden was examined and as the land was accumulating and a bank forming it was thought desirable not to touch it.
Clerk to write to James Smart, Thomas Henry Pearce and Harry James Knee that their request for a reduction of tonnage on merchandise required consideration and at present could not be accommodated.

Verbatim text

Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 19^th day of June 1879 @ 3,o,clock pm
Present: Mr G H A Beard Chairman, Mr J T Stanton, Mr E C Little, Mr J T Fisher, Mr T Marling, Mr S Phipps, Mr T M Croome.
[2] The Clerk produced a demise of a Cottage at Bristol R^d between this Company and James Williams, and also one of a Cottage at Downfield between this Company and Henry Riley. The Cos seal was ordered to be affixed to each, which was accordingly done.
[38] The Clerk reported that Messrs E Stephens & Co had not paid the tonnage a/c for April and May. Ordered that hte Clerk request Mr Kearsey the Cos Solicitor to write to them asking for immediate payment of the same.
[44] The Clerk was ordered to write to Messrs Pooley & Son for an Estimate for the erection of a New Weigh Bridge at Eastington Canal Wharf.
[51] Mr James Webb, Coal Merchant of Chalford, applied for the use of a Stable on Wallbridge Wharf. Resolved that he be allowed to take the same at a Rental of £3 per annum subject to a quarters notice on either side, and that an agreement be drawn up to that effect.
[46] The Chairman and Mr J T Fisher inspected the Canal from Wallbridge to Eastington on the 9^th inst and the Chairman, Mr Hooper and Mr Marling from Eastington to Framilode on the 10^th inst, and found the stores, yard, Buildings and Canal works in good working ordter.
The following work was ordered to be done:
4 new Strutts to the Crane of Wallbridge wharf.
Spouting to be altered at the Cottage at Downfield.
66 feet of ditch to be covered over near the new Lock house at Eastington.
Barge to be put to the 3 gable ends of the new Lock house at Eastington.
Two Cottages at Bristol Road to be painted and whitewashed and the lead windows taken out and replaced by wooden frames.
The new Swing Bridge recently erected near Mr Wiltons, was inspected and passed.
The Slip at Framilode at the bottom of the Lock Keepers garden, was examined, but as the sand was accumulating and a bank forming it was thought desirable not to touch the same.
[38] The Clerk placed before the Committee an application from James Smart, Thomas Henry Pearce and Harry James Knee, for a reduction of tonnage on Merchandize.
The Clerk was directed to reply to the same and state that it was a matter that required consideration, and that at present they could not see their way clear to make any reduction on their present tolls.
Cheques drawn:
W^m James Snape: 37..10..0
M N Peyton: 10..8..0
[Total] £27..18..0

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