Tue 30 Sep 1879
Special Meeting. Promised to Mr Potter, Lord Bathurst, Mr Ellett and Mr Taunton of the Thames & Severn Canal Co that their proposition and arguments for a reduction of tonnage on merchandise should have due consideration at a subsequent Committee Meeting.
Special Meeting held at Wallbridge Canal office at 2,o,clock on Tuesday the 30^th September 1879 at the request of Mr Potter for the purpose of Meeting the Committee of the T&S Canal Co and conferring upon questions subsisting between the two Companys
Present: Mr T M Croome Chairman, Mr G H A Beard, Mr S Phipps, Mr J T Fisher, Mr E C Little.
[52] Mr Potter attended with Lord Bathurst, Mr Elliot and Mr Taunton and made a proposition for a reduction of Tonnage on Merchandise, using various arguements in support of the views of his Company, When he was promised that the subject should have due consideration at a subsequent Committee Meeting.
Cheque drawn:
W W Kearsey: £7..10..0