Minutes Thu 23 Oct 1879

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Thu 23 Oct 1879


General Half Yearly Meeting. Tonnage since 1 April £1761 4s 5d. After wages, etc, profit £961 2s. Dividend of £4 10s declared.
From the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Company’s Judgment Debt remains £630.16s.5d, the sum of £181.3s.7d. having been drawn for the dredging of the Canal by steam power, and interest paid to Canal a/c.
Edward Herbert Palmer appointed Treasurer to the Company on the resignation of Mr C W Kingdom.

Verbatim text

At a General Half yearly Meeting of the Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation held at Wallbridge on Thursday the 23^rd day of October 1879 @ 4,o,clock pm
J J Stanton Esqr Chairman.
[2] It appears that the sum of £1761..4..5 has been received from the 1^st day of April 1879 to the 1^st day of October 1879, and a balance of £48..6..3 brought forward from last Half year (after payment of dividend) making a total o £1509..10..11 of which sum £848..8..11 has been applied towards payment of wages disbursements, etc, and there remains in the hands of the Treasurer £961..2..0 available for dividend.
[13] Ordered that a dividend of £4..10..0 on each share be declared payable on the 1^st day of November next free of Income tax, carrying on a balance of £61..2..0 to next Half years account.
The sum of £630..16..5 the balance of £812..0..0 in Bank on the 24^th day of June 1879 on a/c of the Stonehouse & Nailsworth Railway Companys Judgement debt, remains in the hands of the Treasurer, the sum of £181..3..7 having been drawn for the dredging of the Canal by Steam power, and Interest placed to the Canal a/c as per Ledger.
[40] Mr C W Kingdom having resigned the office of Treasurer to this Company,
Resolved that Edward Herbert Palmer be and is hereby appointed Treasurer in his stead.

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